
When I started this Grateful series at the start of this year, I had no idea of how it would work or what shape it would take. It’s been quite the experiment. In that first post, Grateful 52, I wrote: I can’t help but wonder what our world would be like if more people took the time to give thanks – to themselves and to others. Thanks for the little things that make life worth living. Thanks for the people in our lives who keep us sane. And thanks for karma – who, will, at the end of the day, make sure that all wrongs are righted. When I wrote that first Grateful piece, little did I know that I’d be writing the last one for 2012 from Kona, Hawaii.IMG_1351 (800x600)

Today, we visited the Painted Church in Honaunau. I’ve been there a few times and it hasn’t lost its charm. It was built 1899 by Father John Velghe who decorated the inside of the church with his paintings. Fr Velghe was a Belgian priest of the order of  the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Society – the Picpus Fathers. Located on the slope of Mauna Loa, a 13,680 feet volcano mountain, it overlooks the Pacific ocean and those buried in the cemetery have a gorgeous view.

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The small wooden church is both simple and intricate and, perhaps, fancifully, I believe that it’s all the holier for it. To find a church that is open without a resident caretaker comes as such a surprise. To see a stand outside selling crafts with an honor box beside it, was enough to restore my faith in human nature.

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The paintings are a little faded and when the sun hits, it’s hard to see what they depict but the overall effect is still quite wondrous. There are six pillars inside the church, each with something inscribed. While we were there today, this guy was telling his wife that the inscriptions told the stories of the wall paintings. But he was wrong. I checked. Each contains one of the six mottos of St Benedict, after whom the church is named.

O ke kea hemolele ko’u malamalama – The Holy Cross be my light
Hele oe pela i Satana – Begone, Satan
He poino kou mea i ninini mai ai – You have poured forth trouble
Aole o Satana ko’u alakai – Satan is not my guide
Ua oki oe me kou mea pau wale – Stop with your perishable things
Nau no e inu kou poino – Drink your own misfortune.

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In the grounds, there’s a monument to Fr Damien, who so famously worked with the lepers of Kalaupapa.  [I didn’t know that leprosy is known as Hansen’s disease.] His story, too, is a remarkable one of simplicity and courage. In a world where religion has been the cause of so much hardship, I’m reminded by what Kofi Annan once said: the problem is not the Koran, nor the Torah, nor yet the Gospel. The problem is never the faith – it is the faithful, and how they behave towards each other. In this small community of Honaunau on the island of Kona, the faithful are doing an admirable job of staying true to their faith. And it shows.

As this year draws to a close, I’m grateful that my faith takes me places that I might otherwise miss; I’m grateful for the friends who travel with me as I make my way through life; and most of all, I’m grateful that I believe.


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7 responses

  1. Thanks for letting me be part of this grateful 1, and for being such a wonderful friend you make my life a much more exciting and fun.

  2. Thank you for these Mary, though sometimes I felt like a voyeur looking at something very precious and private, they taught me many important lessons and meditations. Whilst I am disappointed that they have come to the end (I suppose that the number countdown gave a clue) I await with interest the replacement that I hope you are planning!!
    Best wishes to you for a healthy and productive New Year.

  3. Mary, bless you, it’s a great relief that you are going to continue. Can’t imagine not having “my bottom draw” to open. Thank you C.M.

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7 responses

  1. Thanks for letting me be part of this grateful 1, and for being such a wonderful friend you make my life a much more exciting and fun.

  2. Thank you for these Mary, though sometimes I felt like a voyeur looking at something very precious and private, they taught me many important lessons and meditations. Whilst I am disappointed that they have come to the end (I suppose that the number countdown gave a clue) I await with interest the replacement that I hope you are planning!!
    Best wishes to you for a healthy and productive New Year.

  3. Mary, bless you, it’s a great relief that you are going to continue. Can’t imagine not having “my bottom draw” to open. Thank you C.M.

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