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General Data Protection Regulation
If you have voluntarily submitted your email address so that you can receive notifications of new posts, please be assured that I don’t use your address for anything other than to do just that – and that’s done automatically. I might use your address, if I knew how to, but I don’t.
This blog does not make money, it does not carry sponsored content, it has no ads for which I receive any form of payment. If I review a place or a restaurant or a book, I don’t receive any compensation from anyone. I wish I did, but that would require marketing myself and life is too short. If something changes, I will be sure to let you know.
You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe or manage subscription links at the bottom of every email you receive. When you comment on a blog post, we are using Facebook, Twitter, and logins to verify that you are a human and to help prevent spammy comments. We also use Google Recaptcha on the subscribe forms. Google Analytics tracks where you’re posting from. This is stored and I can check my stats to see how many clicks I had today, where people clicked from, and what they clicked on. That’s it. Nothing more.
I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive, particularly to other commenters. If you want to have one of your comments deleted, the please get in touch with me at: I’m all for the right to be forgotten so will happily oblige.
So, in a nutshell, if you give me your email address voluntarily to subscribe to new posts or if you opt to subscribe to new comments, then you email is just used for this. Nothing else. Promise.