Stories from travels in


Kenmare, Co. Kerry, Ireland

Kenmare, with its iconic hotels, colourful facades, and thriving restaurant/bar scene, is a gem of a town in the southwest of Ireland. It’s giving nearby

Festival statues Malta

When a minute makes a difference

There’s a saying in Italian  that loosely translates to ‘everything you leave is lost’ – ogni lasciata e persa. Determined to keep the number of

Redefining kitsch

I’m old enough to fess up to a number of obsessions, one of which is statues. They fascinate me on two levels: what they represent

212 times over

It’s been a while since I’ve been somewhere that has had such a lasting effect, where the memory of what I’ve seen replays itself time

Stealing sins in the Czech Republic

Oh Lord, give me such signs in every foreign country I visit and I will be happier (if that’s possible), and more relaxed, and less