Stories from travels in


Desktop travel

I read this morning that on this day, back in 1386 , St John of Capistrano, leader of the 1456 Battle of Belgrade, was born.

There’s more to Parma than ham and cheese

The city of Parma, without the ham and the cheese, is more than just eggs. That said, it takes a little getting used to as

Neptune Cinque Terra

The price of popularity

I had my heart set on seeing Cinque Terre – the five villages on the Italian Riviera that belong on a chocolate box. They’re perched

Auto correction in Pisa

If I’m already in a bad mood, auto-correction on my phone has been known to drive me over the edge, into a world where I

Sold on Naples

Grubby, dirty, and graffitied to within an inch of its life, Naples is a city you’ll either love or hate. There are no half-measures. I

Milan Cathedral

The linguistically challenged person that I am, I have a monolinguist’s habit of reading everything in English, regardless of the language it is actually written