Any Excuse to Travel

Stories from travels in


What to do in Budapest

Hardly a week goes by without someone asking me for advice on where to eat and what to do in Budapest. Usually it’s friends asking

Currency exchange

Before we travel, we check weather forecasts. We check places to eat. We check museums,  galleries, churches, places of interest. We shop around for places

2017 Grateful 49

While out on Friday night, a Hungarian friend mentioned that the Monk of the Gulag had died earlier this week (January 15th), aged 100. As

The proof is in the passion

For me, wine falls in to the same category as music and art:  I know what I like and what I don’t like. I have

My travel tree

Many, many moons ago, in an effort to cure myself of the habit of buying touristy tat when I travelled, I hit on the idea

Taste among the tat

Walking through the city in late October, I spotted my first Christmas tree. I tried to block it out, to pretend it wasn’t there. But

Crossing bridges later

As I sat across the table from Péter Kutas in Bridges Food Bar last week, I gave some thought to the creative energy in Budapest

2016 Grateful 12

Serendipity, the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way, is alive and well and a resident feature of my

The wait is nearly over

Art confuses me. I know what I like and what I don’t like, but when it comes to what period came when and which artist

Making it happen

Back in 2007, someone told me that there were 23,000 flats in Budapest owned by absentee Irish landlords. I had no idea how realistic that