Stories from travels in

April 2023

Framed photo on a while wall. The photo is of a wall onwhich is written Und hier war einst ein KZ (and here was once a concentration camp)

Neuengamme, Germany

In the German hamlet of Neuengamme, a short drive from Hamburg and Geesthacht sits a sobering reminder of man’s inhumanity to man – a concentration

Sign - black letters spell Geesthacht on a white background - beside a railway track with a redbricked train station in the background to the left

Geesthacht: Germany’s Little Moscow

When a change in the course of a river splits a town in two, it leaves something special behind. No one told me that. I

Geesthacht: Germany’s powder chamber

Watching the Netflix series Transatlantic I was surprised to hear someone say that they hadn’t met since Geesthacht. Until recently, I’d never heard of this