Adamant or rude?
I need to learn how to say no. A firm, authoritative, no. One that brooks no argument. It doesn’t need an exclamation mark. Or any
I need to learn how to say no. A firm, authoritative, no. One that brooks no argument. It doesn’t need an exclamation mark. Or any
I can sit for hours and watch the world go by, blatantly staring at the teeming masses that flow back and forth as I sit
Way back in the early 1980s, when faced with the choice of moving to Dublin or making the 20-mile commute up and back each day,
What moves those of genius, what inspires their work is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said
The cows I’d gotten used to. The dogs, too. But turning a corner and coming face to face with a camel while monkeys cavorted like
With so many of the world’s corporates searching for cheaper and cheaper labour, outsourcing has become a way of life. The uncertainty that comes with
The world is in a mess, a terrible mess. Decisions being made in the hallowed halls of power in one country are affecting the lives
Had I been one of Shah Jahan’s harem, I might have had to do my wifely duties once, say, every 18 months. Had I not
I’m not used to young men, either on their own or in groups, blatantly giving me the eye. Initially it was a little disconcerting but
Where did it all go wrong? Way back, long before electricity was born, long before we had drills and jack hammers and tall cranes, long