Stories from travels in

November 2015

Real cutlery, personal pillows, and stray dogs

Real cutlery. A real, stainless steel, knife, fork and spoon. And flying economy, too. I hadn’t realised how budget airlines have become my norm. RyanAir,

2015 Grateful 5

There was a time in Ireland when every child of primary-school-going age had been to see Eugene Lambert’s puppet theatre. It was a mainstay on

A hidden gem

To say that Unicum is Hungary’s answer to Jägermeister might get me in trouble with the purists. But to this uneducated palate, they have way too

2015 Grateful 8

My life is bursting with good intentions. I am forever making notes to myself to see, do, go, call, write, ask… and a good 7 times